Hot Topic Horror Pack Exclusive!

Hot Topic Horror Pack Exclusive!

I have an older sister.  Being the kid brother I was put through the sibling gauntlet of experimentation.   Occasionally I would get a hug and compliment but mostly terror.  A hose turned on while dressed for church, a practical joke extending to my sister and her gaggle of gossiping goons (aka mallrats), the “I’m going to lick your cupcake so you won’t eat it” technique, maybe a little extra backwash in your Capri Sun…you know, the usual Suburban edition of Guantanamo Bay.  One particular evening, my mother was out, my sister (and her friend) were tasked to watch the kid brother – real simple instructions – “keep your brother alive and make sure he has something to eat.”  Me, being fairly independent, even at a young age; just needed a baseball, a glove, a skateboard, a surfboard, my Vans, some coloring pencils, some drawing paper and I was “a-ok”.   I shrugged off the usual Hermit Kingdom style psychological torture tactics.  Perhaps it was my access to my mother’s stereo system – Steve Miller, Sgt. Peppers, Songs in the Key of Life – all on 8 Track!  That’s where the world disappeared for me.  Not this night.  Besides the high tech and highly coveted 8-Track in stereo setup, my mother had a VHS Tape machine.  The top of the door rose as if blending realities with the Delorean from “Back to the Future”.  Equally as clunky, flat metallic silver steel, motorized and whizzing gear mechanisms.  A lot of action just to drop a tape in and let the spindles spin.  Apparently my sister had a tape to play me.  Knowing I wasn’t much nor had the stomach for slaughter, blood and guts – as a kid the Kiss record freaked me out - *just an aside, partly due to “Phantom of the Park” where the evil Gene Simmons breathed fire, and the only sound that came out of his mouth was a raging, belching dragon…and he killed some guy by busting through a wall.*   This tape had the name “Nightmare on Elm Street” scrolled over the top.  Oh shit.  I get the picture.  Cut to my sister dropping the tape in, turning out all the lights then locking herself with her friend in her room, cackling laughing pouring from the thin stripped light splitting cracks of the door jam.  It was one hell of a ride.  Hell, not using euphemistically or with any hints of irony.


Cut to the Exorcist, Friday the 13th and It.  All with similar, and visceral memories.  “It” was a bit bizarre.  I watched that with my mother.  I think it was an ABC movie of the week.  A big “to-do”.  A TV Movie from Stephen King’s pages.  Stephen King was, well, King of the frightening and odorly, deadly supernatural (on the silverscreen).   Having the luxury to watch a Stephen King movie, for free, in your pajamas, at home – who could pass?  My feelings – I liked “It”.  I thought it was funny.  The creep hadn’t crept and spooked me out.  If I was Siskel and Ebert, two thumbs up!  The Exorcist – hmm…the Omen freaked me out more.  I loved the barf scene, the little one-liners…all good fun.  Make sure to check the bottom of each bed from Reagan’s Build-A-Bed – we’ve planted a unique quote from the movie on each retailer exclusive.  Friday the 13th – yes, freaky.  Yes, scary.  A retaliatory and vengeful zombie swoll (assuming) from a fare share of protein shakes and cross fit training mindlessly lops kids heads off with garden tools – yes, very freaky.


In the end, these memories are priceless.  Even my lovely sister’s gambit of torturous pitfalls and landminds.  We’re all grown, she is a VP of a movie studio, I own a toy company.  She makes the features, I make collectibles.  Apples that fell close to each other from the tree.  Alas, we are siblings.  Want to know which makes the Horror Pack Collectibles more fitting?  I’ve lived on “Elm Street” for 24 years.  I pass Freddy Kreuger’s house every day, as long as I’m home and not in China, of course.  Everytime, I still point it out – “Look, that’s where Johnny Depp was grinded up in a bed blender and shout out like Old Faithful onto the bedroom ceiling of that house!  Isn’t that great!”


Life is funny; the universe has a wonderful way of tying everything together, neatly.


TLS SDCC 2018 Exclusives Rundown!

TLS SDCC 2018 Exclusives Rundown!

I was living in West Hollywood.  I had a friend, a really funny guy.  Loved music, loved tattoos, loved comic books, loved horror movies, a big Star Wars fan.  We met skateboarding in the quads at Santa Monica City College.  A funny group of folks hung on the quad – Mike Eizinger from Incubus, Mickey Madden from Maroon 5, Tara McPherson -  SMC (as the locals called it) was some sort of wayward bound home for creatives, weirdos, punkers, musicians, skaters, surfers – the fun kind of folk, the people who see everything in color, with possibility.  I met this fellow there.  The guy had a super sharp wit and from the looks of it, could draw pretty good (say that with Napoleon Dynamite like sincerity).  We became good friends.  Eventually, he moved in as a roommate.  His girlfriend, Tara McPherson, came along too.  Three happy punkers hanging Christmas lights around a 1920’s Spanish style bungalow.  The salad days. 


My buddy loved comic books, and metal.  His dream was to be a comic book artist, and possibly a part time death metal singer.  He achieved the latter.  We started a band called Lightning Swords of Death…another story for another time.  My buddy was pursuing a project with some friends.  Screw it, DIY -  If you can’t get hired by a comic book company why not start one?  My sister was studying business at USC.  She jumped in to try and help my buddy launch a comic book.  It had all sorts of crazy mythology and story engines – Ancient Egypt, the Necronomicon, Kung Fu, Kaiju, robots – I forget what it was called but it was an orgy of cultures and mythos.  Any event, he hired an artist, Bill Sienkiewicz to do a cover.  My buddy, my sister, and a guy who threw a couple thousand bucks into the cost pool headed down to San Diego to this thing called Comic Con, try and drum up business about this new comic book.  I ended up heading down, primarily to hit the pool.  My buddy was staying at the Marina Towers right next to the convention.  The Towers had these tropical style pools, and ladies with sarongs came by with fruity drinks, the kind with umbrellas, the kind that gives you brain freeze and a vacation style buzz.  My kind of place. 


I get down to the Convention Center, walk upstairs, buy a ticket, and head down to the show.  About half the hall is being used.  The other half has sliding partitions about a mile high.  Beyond the partition were dusty chairs, odds and ends and a converted food court.   Some guys with Hawaiian style shirts printed with comic book characters sat around, checking out toys and things.  I walk around and I’m immediately filled with nostalgia – “Say what?!  I can buy that Darth Vader Head?!  How much!”  I was going nuts.  I thought it was a geek flea market, and I loved it!  I would walk up to each booth and start a Tijuana style auction, except the prices went down, not up.  I bought some ceramic Beatle statues, some Star Wars helmets from Riddell and a kooky looking Optimus Prime with Japanese writing all over the box.  I still have all those things.  I ran the hall, it was lightly crowded, you could walk freely, lapped it about 6 times in one hour (the show wasn’t that big), gave my buddy and my sis high fives, and added my moral support for their new venture.  We would peel out after the show closed, hit the pool, sip on those cruise ship drinks until it was bedtime.  We would crack the windows, let that warm summer breeze fill the room, paradise.  Then mosquitoes  breeding in the stagnant pools from fountains below would eat us alive.  Not so much paradise.  We learned, we closed the windows before bedtime.  This was my first San Diego Comic Con.  The year, probably 1996.


Here I am 22 years later.  The show is different.  It’s HUGE!  I call it Sundance South.  Movie Studios, Celebrities, giant Brands, Tastemakers – all hit the streets and convention halls in San Diego to take advantage of that golden shine, when one weekend pop culture rules the world!   It’s Halloween, a popgasm, a thesis in marketing all rolled into one.  More important, it’s a chance to get to know people who share the same passions, have the same feelings, leave judgment at their front doors – it’s an all for one, one for all, where fans, customers, creators co-mingle in a celebration of the popular arts.  How cool is that?!   The Loyal Subjects has grown because of San Diego Comic Con. Because of those early adopter TLS Army folks who thought, “Hey, this is cool, it’s worth me giving it a shot.”  These folks have seen us refine our craft, add more great licenses with magnificent mythos, up the stakes each year, and are the first folks to eat steaks on grills we had to man ourselves for the first ever Fan Jam!  SDCC is on our mind all year round – “How can we exceed expectations?”  “How can we ignite imaginations?”  That’s our goal.  Our whole Team pours an enormous amount of energy into SDCC because we want to be special for you, we want to live up to your expectation, so we give it everything we got, and then some.  I’m really proud of our exclusives this year – we deliberate carefully, pouring our best energies into characters, products, details, and themes that we believe stand the test of time and are great story telling vehicles for the Action Vinyls program.  We want them to be collectible too!  We painstakingly comb over every detail, every design element, and we schedule the releases in themes that we think are fun and engaging.  I have a special affinity for this year’s exclusives.  I live on Elm Street.  Not kidding.  I’ve lived on Freddy Kreuger’s street for 24 years (the house from the movie).  How fitting to be making Freddy into an Action Vinyl!  Not only that, to the left is Mutato – Mark Mothersbaugh’s studio, where the Rugrats music was/is composed.  To the right, Clasky Csupo – the way ahead of their time animation house responsible for breaking down walls, seeing animation and multi media from the lens of true artists, true creators, and now I’m making Action Vinyls of their creations!  It took 24 years, but heck, better late than never!  Thanks neighbors!


Without further ado, here is the list of all TLS exclusives and the schedule.  We errantly forgot Chuckie Finster in the clumsy price catalog cobbled together.  Forgive us.  He’s on the schedule and his picture is featured in this blog post.  He’s awesome!  Each exclusive bought on the floor (only 150 of each from the TLS Booth) will have a foot stamp that says “SDCC FLOOR”.  Super rare finds.  On Thursday afternoon, pending a smooth web upload, ALL the “SDCC STORE” exclusives will be loaded up online for purchase.  We can’t leave those folks behind who can’t make the trip!  Better yet, we left three Predator exclusives to ONLINE ONLY, some will have the SDCC FLOOR foot stamp, and that’s right, those will be 1/150!  The Predator 1/150 items will randomly be thrown in orders, as will some choice prototypes.  Customers are limited to purchase 5 of each style per a 24 hour period. 


Special Mention – we have Tsuchiya-san, the Producer for Mega Man dropping by to sign Mega Man blindboxes, Saturday at 10a!  Pretty dang cool.  Another note – for one hour every day, starting at noon and ending at 1p, TLS blindboxes are Happy Hour prices – HALF OFF!  This is my ode to those beautiful, sippy cruise ship drinks, and sun filled days back at the Marriott Marina Towers.  May my memories metamorphosis into your savings!


I hope this is a memorable SDCC.  I’m happy to have shared my memorable experiences; I hope you guys make some great memories too!




“Kazuhiro Tsuchiya (Producer, Mega Man 11) is a Capcom development veteran who has been with the company for 20 years. Tsuchiya was close to the Blue Bomber from the start, with some of his earliest projects being Mega Man 5 and Mega Man 7. Today, Tsuchiya and his hard-working development team are creating Mega Man 11, combining classic side-scrolling action with a fresh new visual style and the game-changing Double Gear System that gives players more control than ever before.”




Hello #TLSArmy!  Welcome to all the newcomers to the TLS Action Vinyls community!  It seems each year SDCC brings in new passionate pop culture enthusiasts into the TLS narrative – great products, loads of fun, community, trade, story telling, and high quality, memorable experiences!   TLS is a Brand first – we’re more than just products, cool little nik-naks…we’re a community, a lifestyle, a big finger poke in the eye of traditional patronizing Action Figure offerings.  That’s why YOU are cool, because you know what’s up!  We’re here to deliver the goods for a great, fun, engaging collecting experience.  This year’s SDCC was the largest on the books for TLS.  The TLS Action Vinyls community is growing exponentially.  Collectors are demanding a more fun, engaged, community driven experience with products that aren’t mush or produced in the gazillions.  We got your back! 


In the process TLS dropped 19 micro run exclusives.  The items sold on the floor or that were intended to sell on the floor were limited to 150 units, several having sold out, including the two Nickelodeon Splat exclusives featured at the Nickelodeon Booth (Tommy and Rocko)!   The exclusives that are going to Hot Topic, and the ones available on the TLS website have a foot stamp demarking “SDCC STORE” and are limited to 350 units.   Three Predators exclusives will be available with both stamps and "will be" buyers will randomly have a chance to receive an SDCC FLOOR stamped item – a fun Easter Egg, hand placed in the basket.  Pennywise is the only Convention Exclusive who missed his boat!  I guess he was too busy eating children and being a demonic disruption after eons of demonic disruptions.  Or, he was still sight seeing in China, taking in the local flavors, spreading his brand of terror around the Guangzhou Delta.  At least he’s still in character, those method acting courses paid off.  We found this fanged clown a new boat, so he’s back on track to terrorize you, this will include 150 SDCC FLOOR stamped items that will randomly thrown in carts for terror and joy.  In addition, we brought back very few of the SDCC FLOOR stamp items, those too will randomly be thrown into orders.  If you haven’t ordered here’s your chance to bag an elusive TLS SDCC FLOOR stamped item, well worth the shot.


Shipping Prices – we adjusted the shipping prices to be a more favorable friend.  I’m taking it in the teeth here, willing to cough up a few bucks to make your shopping experience a bit more rosy!  I don’t mind the bleeding gums, I’ll rub a little baking soda on the ole gums, should heal up right fast.  A breakdown of prices are outlined towards the bottom of this post.


Shipping timeline and delivery expectation – Agreed, this Blog post came late, however, we had to be ironclad sure and confident that we would be securing the most valuable information to help you with your expectation.   It took a sec to cobble together 19 micro run exclusives, with micro runs inside the micro runs, from 3 different factories, consolidating into one container, then setting sail from where the sun sets, to where our sun rises.  It’s like juggling 45 knives.  That said, these babies are on a boat, and are schedule to arrive August 21st (two short weeks!).  Yes, it’s already been two weeks!  I greatly appreciate your patience and understanding, we will get these beauties to you in the next two to four weeks, depending where you place your feet in the United States or beyond International waters!  These are some of our best exclusives to dates, and they are ALL NEW LINES!  A great preview to all the wonderful lines hitting this Holiday Season:  WWE, Splat, Aliens, Predators, Horror – talk about “Lions, and Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!” – TLS is blazing the collectible shelves, searing a smoky trail for all the Action Vinyls army builders and enthusiast this Holiday!  Operation – TLS takeover! 


Again, thank you tremendously for your patience and support.  We are working overtime to make sure we can bring you the best, affordable, quality collectibles in the timeliest manner possible!


Single blister card item = $7.00
Single window box item = $7.00
4 Blister card items = $15.00
8 Blister Card items >= $150.00 = Free Shipping!
8 Blister Card items < $150.00 = $15.00
2 windowbox items = $15.00
4 windowbox items = $18.00
Orders over $150.00 = Free Shipping!

TLS x SDCC 2018 in REVIEW!

TLS x SDCC 2018 in REVIEW!

Coming home from San Diego Comic Con is a reflective exercise.  As it is for me, I’m sure it is for you.  We’ve spent the last 9 months planning exclusives, preparing production lines, prepping tools, creating packaging, refining products, getting sign offs, booking container space, photography, marketing materials, product setups, crew assignments, truck rentals – a herculean effort to bring 17 items in short order, maintaining TLS quality standards, detail, collectability, and nuances inherent in Action Vinyls - this is our number one priority.  16 hour days are common.   Like the last 5 miles of a marathon, you can’t feel your legs but you still drive towards that ribbon, knowing that finishing with your chest out is truly the goal.  We love the #TLSArmy – it’s the community that drives us to meet you at your expectation, no matter the obstacles, or the time it takes to create programs for this very special show.  When I come home, I spill my books, my tools, my photos all over my dining room table, reminding me of the great times, the friendships, the excitement, the job well done by the TLS crew, the love and connection we have with our community, the raison d’etre!  To give yourself to the process, to build something, to pull all of your passions, experience and love for creating imaginative and meaningful experiences to share with folks that have open hearts, and demand a fun, real, genuine experience.  So, here I sit, amongst the polaroids, memories of the conversations, the hugs and handshakes, the excitement and wonderment in passionate people’s eyes.  A marathon complete just to wake the next day, strap the running shoes back on and tackle the following week’s task.  Reflection flips to “there is more hill to climb”.   It amazes me the efforts for this one single event.  Of course, the event is unique, not like any other.  The resources, the time commitment, the manpower, I get it, it’s a production!  A live movie set with customers meeting Manufacturers without having to be buzzed in, nor needing an appointment.  Fans greeting movie stars without having to peer or peek-a-boo from a thousand yards away.  SDCC brings the experience to the culture and it is our strict job to deliver our responsibility to the experience for those who paid the admission deserving their bang for their buck!  We take it seriously. 


It’s not our mission to sell just another gimmick or plastic part with paint, with a logo slap from some nostalgic or trending studio property.  TLS is not the patronizing guy – “Buy this hunk of plastic”.   We want to turn you on – ignite your imagination, peak your interest, break down those velvet ropes of “this is us beyond this line, and this is you on the other side of this line”.   TLS recognizes that our best offer to YOU are experiences, relationships, friendships forged – a real community orchestrated from the tent of our Blue Logo, down the handle of Action Vinyls, into the sandpit/blanket fort of our house of brands.  That’s where we all play!  Where we trade, where we laugh, where we create stories, where we share – All for One and One for All!  Comic Con is the manifestation of the heart filled intent and connection between TLS and those who are open to the TLS experience.  No truer than Fan Jam – the literal manifestation of the community, not just ours, but the community of pop culture at large, of craftsmanship, of rich experiences forging great memories.  TLS is just the communicative object that brings people together for meaningful relationships – it’s about YOU!  Not Us!  I’m not here to get you hyped up on some chest pounding poser’ish, disingenuous press release aimed at other businesses – “Look how great we are….we sell plastic crap and it’s booming!”  We’re all cut from the same cloth, there’s nothing slick about me or our message.  Our message is community brought together by imaginative products that are artful, collectible, and meaningful.  Simple. 


The Community pushes TLS, the #TLSArmy has our hearts.   We want to exceed your expectation, to be your modern toy box, making it ok for us all to play, for us all to suspend reality, to use those tools that made summers as a 10 year old the greatest times on earth – we still have that in us, we just need to sharpen those blades of belief!  Each year we see these goodwill feelings grow around TLS, each SDCC TLS takes another step bringing more people into our message, because the message is “It’s all about you!”.  This is what I’ve concluded after having time to sift through the photos and conversations from SDCC – TLS is no longer mine, it’s everyone’s, that’s why TLS is great, it’s all of us.


Plans are underway for SDCC 2019, including a bigger Fan Jam.  Highlights from Fan Jam 2018 coming this week.  Stay tuned to the blog.  It was the best event to date, big feels and heart filled love!  Please check out the video below for a full SDCC recap!  Also, some candid crew polaroids, and an interview from the loveley Noelle Foley from Ringside Collectibles, daughter of WWE Star Mick Foley!


















TLS x BANDAI Partnership!

TLS x BANDAI Partnership!


Team’s Efforts Focused on Expanding the Hyper-Collectible and Ever Popular Action Vinyls™ Statement at Retail

The Company Will Debut 2019 Products at Next Month’s Toy Fair New York in Booths #5385 & #3103

Los Angeles, Calif. – (January 18, 2019) – The Loyal SubjectsTM (TLS) – a collectible toy company – is excited to announce the launch of a partnership with Bandai America which will turbo-charge TLS’ expansion across the retail landscape.

TLS’ signature Action VinylsTM are a hybrid comingling of stylized features, artful and detailed deco from the Designer/Art Toy/Vinyl world, and the pose-able dexterity found in Action Figures; hence “Action Vinyls” – a cool “Vinyl-like” collectible with “Action” in the form of pose-ability and accessories. The figures stand at about 3.25”, have up to 15 points of articulation, are accompanied by a collector card, and have interchangeable accessories. TLS pays homage to its collector base by including rare figures and “Easter eggs” in its product lines.

TLS is a Universe Without BordersTM. From the first Action Vinyls offering, TLS’ vision has been to create a world with no rules, just synergistic fun and collaborative comingling. So an accessory from He-ManTM can also fit the hands of the Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesTM, and a hero from MegamanTM can battle a villain from ThundercatsTM – the walls have been torn down, and the inmates have taken over! Not all collectible figures are treated equal, unless they’re from TLS. TLS has sold millions of units worldwide and Action Vinyls are a toy industry disruptor.

“TLS and Bandai truly believe we can build a $100 million dollar brand together,” said Jonathan Cathey, The Loyal Subjects’ Founder/CEO and President. “All the key ingredients are there – quality, fun, accessibility, story-telling, creativity, and artful execution. We are seeing an increasing desire to join the TLS mission by collectors from all corners of the globe, and an explosive interest in the application of pop culture to the TLS army building experience. It’s a perfect recipe, and we look forward to building significantly at retail to showcase our unique, beloved, and killer quality format – Action Vinyls. With the Bandai and TLS partnership, sky’s the limit.”

Added Michael Ciminera, Bandai America’s Senior Vice President, Sales, “Vinyl collectables is a huge growth category in the industry right now. We believe TLS brings a unique product to the market with their Action Vinyls and robust licensing line up. We are thrilled to be able to help grow this brand at retail.”

TLS is stacked with a wide range of popular and evergreen licenses crossing all genres: Anime, TV, Movie, Super Hero, Classic and Nostalgia, Horror, Fantasy, Cartoons, Video Game, Mobile Game, and Action Adventure. TLS is set to release a variety of offerings each quarter, including online and convention exclusives. TLS products are currently sold in a wide range of retailers including Hot Topic, GameStop, Target, Walmart, Box Lunch, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, FYE, 7-Eleven, Walgreens, and independent toy, hobby and comic book stores.


A Brief History of Time at TLS

Originally funded in 2009 by a $500 personal check, and launched by Jonathan Cathey with a strong creative vision and a helpful hand from an old friend and a small rotomolding toy supplier in China, The Loyal Subjects has been on an indie journey through the asteroid fields of publicly traded companies, big business licensing, cut-throat competition, and big retail to find itself amongst the elite companies on the who’s who of retailer shelves.

The first office was a humble living room, and the first warehouse a garage. In 2012, TLS partnered with its first licensor, pulling in two key licenses. By this time, Jonathan wanted something more than products that were beautiful, but static, and were essentially expensive totems to keep behind glass. Jonathan created Action Vinyls as he was looking for an item that would encourage play, engage with collectors, get in people’s hands, kick start the imagination engine, inspire story-telling, and be a reinvestment in “fun.” The first Action Vinyls offering sold out. Collectors came looking. They played, they told stories, they cued into the nuances, they created stop motion videos, and they took them to eat and on vacation, accompanying collectors in visceral life moments. Fun, authenticity, play, quality, and craftsman details – it worked! These values still counted in this world of “crank ‘em out quick and who cares if it’s sloppy,” and there were thousands of collectors wanting a genuine, fun, quality, and fresh experience to reinvent their “toy box.”

After preaching the Action Vinyls gospel for several years and securing placement at a number of national retailers, TLS collaborated with Crofton Capital, a private equity firm based in the Boston area with a shared vision for the TLS brand, and garnered an investment to support the brand’s elevation to the next level. Rolling the clock forward again, and with millions of figures sold following successful debuts in mass retailers, and continued growth with the specialty retailers who masterfully curate collector culture, TLS is taking its next step by partnering with Bandai. The TLS palette is crisp and artful, the collectibles imaginative, fresh and engaging, and the quality second to none in the price range. With Bandai’s exclusive sales and distribution, marketing support, and retail statement build to drive Action Vinyls fervor, TLS is poised to take a leap into phenomenology, the unique and viral explosion of the Action Vinyls format.


New York Toy Fair, 2019

The Loyal Subjects – Booth #5385
Bandai America Incorporated – Booth #3103

About The Loyal Subjects

Born in 2009, The Loyal SubjectsTM (TLS) has infused collectible toys with the art, quality, nuances, details and value its loyal fan base of collectors expect. Best known for its Action VinylsTM, a proprietary form of collectible figures, The Loyal Subjects creates unique products based on licensed properties from partners including Capcom, Fox, Funimation, HBO, Mattel, Nickelodeon, Sanrio, Sony, Viz Media, Warner Bros, and WWE. For more information on The Loyal Subjects please visit

TLS’ mission? “Building rich experiences for collectors through dynamic products that stay true to a creative spirit.” In the licensed collectibles world, TLS collectors have adopted play where they were only being offered display.

About Bandai America Incorporated

Bandai builds on dreams, adds to the fun, and strives to inspire kids of all ages around the world, every day! A leader in developing engaging, quality toys that capture children’s imaginative spirit and provide endless “Fun For The Future,” Bandai America Incorporated is the manufacturer and master toy licensee of some of the most popular brands in children’s toys and interactive entertainment today. The Bandai America brand family includes PacManTM, Dragon Ball®, Godzilla and Tamagotchi®, among other boys, girls, preschool, and hobby product lines. Bandai America Incorporated is a subsidiary of BANDAI NAMCO Holdings USA Inc., an entity that resulted from the integration of Namco Ltd. and Bandai Co. Ltd. of Japan. Global interests encompass three strategic business units: Toys and Hobby, Video Games and Online Entertainment and Film and Music. The company is headquartered in El Segundo, California. Find out more about our expertise in connecting with kids in fun and fresh ways at

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.